For Pelvic Floor
Up to 70% of women worldwide suffer from urinary incontinence. Men are also susceptible to this disease. Modern medicine has successfully corrected the loss of bladder control. The method of treatment depends on the stage of the disease and the characteristics of the organism. Non-invasive intervention allows for success in the early stages of incontinence. In advanced cases, a combination of several treatment methods will help eliminate the problem. Types of incontinence Loss of bladder control can be caused by a variety of reasons. There are three types of incontinence: stressful; urge; mixed. In stress incontinence, loss of control occurs due to dysfunction of the urethral sphincter. Weakened muscles do not cope well with intra-abdominal pressure. As a result, urine leaks during laughing, coughing, sneezing, physical exertion. This is the most common type of incontinence. It often develops in women during pregnancy or after childbirth. It can be caused by age-related changes, transf...