What is Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy at RVA?
Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT) is a specialised form of physical therapy that helps to restore balance and reduce dizziness. It is used to treat a variety of conditions, including vestibular disorders, vertigo, and balance problems. VRT includes exercises that help improve coordination, as well as strengthening the muscles used for balance. It can also help reduce dizziness and nausea caused by vestibular disorders. Through Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy, patients can gain better control over their balance system and improve their quality of life. Symptoms of vestibule disease: Disturbance in vision Dizziness Hearing disability Spatial disorientation Nausea Impaired postures VRT can help improve balance, reduce dizziness, and reduce the risk of falling. Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT) is a form of physical therapy that can help individuals with balance and coordination problems. It is often used to treat patients who have suffered fro...