Plantar fasciitis treatment

 Pain when walking is often caused byfasciitis treatment. This is an inflammation of the plantaraponeurosis – the ligament that supports the arch of the foot. Without proper treatment, it leads to the formation of a heel spur. The pain is more intense in the morning, after sleeping or resting. This disease affects people over 40 years old. Athletes, teachers, salespeople, and couriers are at increased risk.

Risk factors

Plantar fasciitis treatment is often started late. People go to the doctor when the pain has worsened against the background of fasciitis, a heel spur has formed. It is necessary to pay close attention to the health of the legs, if:

  • you have trouble resting on your foot in the morning;

  • do sports related to running, jumping, lifting weights;

  • wear uncomfortable shoes;

  • due to weakness of the muscles of the lower leg and foot, place the leg incorrectly when walking;

  • are overweight;

  • suffer from flat feet or other abnormalities in the structure of the foot.

With a combination of several risk factors, fasciitis treatment can develop in young adults and adolescents. It is important to carry out prevention and, from childhood, to monitor the correct formation of the arch of the foot.

Plantar fasciitis treatment

The first stage of plantar fasciitis treatment is diagnostics. Alert should be pain along the edge of the sole and heel, cramps in the calf muscles, a feeling of tension in the Achilles tendon, swelling. With early treatment for cure plantar fasciitis, physical therapy is capable.

Shock wave therapy (SWT) gives good results. Medication
includes pain relieves and anti-inflammatory drugs. Medicines are used to relieve the patient's condition but do not eliminate the cause of the pain. In advanced cases, surgery may be required.

In our medical center, a persistent and fast effect of cure plantar fasciitis is achieved thanks to an integrated approach. We use several methods of physiotherapy, primarily shock wave therapy. An important advantage of this procedure is that it not only eliminates pain and inflammation, but also improves metabolic processes and tissue condition. As a result of treatment, inflammation is relieved, ligaments and tendons are strengthened, and normal foot function is restored.

Physiotherapy is the best prevention of the recurrence of plantar fasciitis and other inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the foot.


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